Hello Beautiful Friends!
This is the start of a new blog series called “The WHY Series”. These are going to be personal blog posts, with some style or fashion infused throughout, to share a little more about me and get back to the REAL reason that I started blogging! I’m so excited about this series and can’t wait to share my thoughts with you. Hopefully, it will inspire you to ASK ME or YOURSELF some WHY questions that can apply to your life!
// Photography by Angie Garcia //
Originally, my friends urged me to blog to share my infertility journey with them. All of my friends had family blogs at the time, but I didn’t feel comfortable putting all of that emotional roller coaster of infertility online. Instead, I started chronicling random outfits of the day. True Story: My blog used to be called, “My Friends Want Me to Blog” Blog!
After multiple unsuccessful IUI and IVF attempts, I went from working full-time to a part-time position as pharmacist. That is when I lost my identity (since I defined myself by my work) and starting blogging more regularly as a creative outlet and to “find my path” again. However, I kept things at work and things on the blog very separate. I NEVER told anyone at work about my blog because I didn’t want it to affect the way I was thought of as a clinician. Would they take my recommendations seriously if they saw my blog posts about fashion? Also, I wanted to somehow be anonymous but still personal – does that even make sense? Anyhow, somehow some people at work found out about it and here we are today.
Along the way, I felt like I lost the true purpose of WHY I STARTED MY BLOG. It became more about growing a following on Instagram, talking about trends/sales, and getting collaborations. All of those are good but…
I originally started blogging to SHARE my passions, feelings, style tips, and just whatever with my friends and community. That is the reason for me starting the “The WHY Series”. I’m going to share more about myself and hopefully serve YOU! If you want to know WHY I do something, then please ask me!
These are the topics that I plan on covering:
WHY I Shop Vintage & Luxury
WHY I use Clean Beauty
WHY I’m Shopping My Closet
You’ve probably noticed that I’ve slowed down quite a bit on the blog. It’s for many reasons. I wasn’t getting enough sleep. I was stress eating. I stopped exercising. Basically, I wasn’t taking care of myself. The WORST thing was getting stressed about everything and taking it out on the people that I love the most, my family. I was the one making my schedule, so WHY did it have to be that way?
This blog series is as much an exercise for me as it is to share with you. I’m trying to find out my WHY for doing this blog and SERVE you. I’ve always been a bit wishy-washy about my blog goals. At one point, I wanted my fashion and pharmacy background to collide so that I could collaborate with a brand on a product, and proceeds would benefit Faith in Practice. Maybe that’s in the cards for a later time.
Right now, I’ve been reading the book Rediscover Jesus and listening to Girl, Wash Your Face which has motivated me to serve others through this platform. I’m lucky and it’s an honot to be able to do it. If I can help one person by telling them my story and it gets them to a better place whether it’s infertility, adoption, vintage style & home, buying their first luxury bag, getting the right shoe, clean beauty, or really anything, then that means the world to me.
You may have also noticed that I’ve changed my blog design again. We’re getting BACK TO BASICS over here! I want a website that is beautiful but still functional and easy to navigate. I am using the Niche Pro blog theme by Bloom. They are a husband+ wife team and have been SUPER FABULOUS to work with over the years. Let me know what you think!
Anyhow, I want to THANK YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN for taking the time to come over to my little part of the internet. Everyone is so busy and it means so much for you to take time out of your day to read.
If I can cover a topic that serves YOU, then please let me know in the comments, email, text, or whatever is most convenient for you!
By the way, I’m also a person who loves creating beautiful things and images so I hope you enjoy these pictures that were taken at the Adolphus Hotel during my Halloween Shoot! I’ll be sharing more photos from my Adolphus Shoot later!
heels | clutch VINTAGE {similar luxe or less}
Thank you so much for stopping by and supporting SOS! I truly appreciate it!
So excited for this series!!
I was the same way when I started my blog except i didn’t tell friends and family either. Slowly they found out about it and I still find it weird when they bring it up in front of me, haha! Comment on the posts, fine, ask me in person…AHHH!
Meg @ Closet Fashionista recently posted…{outfit & travel guide} Checking out Toy Story Land at Hollywood Studios
LOL at that last part!!! I know right! I still get so embarrassed but it’s been part of our lives for so long!! Anyhow, I felt like things need to go back to how they were for me! ❤️
I love this outfit on you Sam, you always wear white so well and you look so classy – I can never keep it clean for long so it looks anything but, haha!
Life with two kids is hard, especially when juggling work and all the extra stuff too, so I completely understand why blogging has taken a bit of a back seat. I’m feeling like I’m just starting to get on top of it all some days then I’ll quickly be put in my place by something else popping up, ha! It’s a delicate balance for sure. Looking forward to this new series! :)
MIca recently posted…Two Ways To Wear Navy: With Green Or Purple Skinny Jeans
THANK YOU so much Mica! You ALWAYS amaze me with your consistency, and I honestly was thinking of you when I was circling around the whole WHY. You have kept up with your true purpose, and I really admire that.
Keep up the wonderful work as a momma and blogger! xx