Lucky FABB NY Part I



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Hi there!  Yes, I’m still alive.  I didn’t schedule any blog posts while I was in New York because I intended to blog about the Lucky FABB conference during the week.  So much for intentions.  As always, the trip was too short, I gained at least five pounds, had SO MUCH FUN, and wanted more time with my family and new blogger friends.
{clockwise from the top right}

Pre-conference kicked off with a Lucky/ Aloxxi event at Gemma in the Bowery Hotel.  Aloxxi is a new hair color line of products started by the founder of OPI.  We all know our OPI favorite colors like ‘Lincoln Park after Dark’, and he wants the same to apply when asking for our hair color.  My hair personality is ‘Expresso Yourself’.  The night ended on a high note when I met Lauren Friedman of My Closet in Sketches.  She is the Dear Lucky illustrator, and seriously one of the sweetest and coolest gals!  Check out the amazing sketch she did of me in just a couple of minutes!  Isn’t she so cute too?
Wearing NINI style circle dress // Ann Taylor neon earrings {sold out online} // Chanel bag // Zara Wedges
The excitement and intrepidation on the morning of Lucky FABB was overwhelming.  I was so nervous about my outfit that I was asking MY BROTHER for fashion advice!  Luckily, he’s an understanding brother.  And of course, I forgot a hair dryer so my hair was wonky during this trip.  Oh well, you can only do what you can do.
The theme of Lucky FABB was “Quit Your Day Job” and the itinerary of speakers was amazing… Rachel Zoe, Lauren Conrad, Simon Doonan, and Anna Sui to name a few.  If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter then you saw the #luckyFABB bombardment until my phone died that afternoon.  You can read more about the interviews here and here.  I walked away with new inspiration and a huge swag bag!  Later that evening, I enjoyed the most amazing dinner with my new friends AshleyBethanyLindsey, and Mary Beth at Pipa {pictured above}.  Fabulous sangria, great company, and stimulation conversations – #couldn’tgetbetter!

Hope you enjoyed my quick recap!  Stayed tuned for Part II coming up!

Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions.  You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard boiled egg.  – Author Unknown
{This quote is so fitting for me today!}

Read the Comments +

  1. Suzzie V says:

    Oh gosh. I want to be able to quit my day job. If there was one thing you learned that was most important what would you say it was?

    • Samantha says:

      Gosh Suzzie, that’s a hard one! I think the most important thing was to ‘Stay true to yourself, but try to be different from everyone else.’ I think it’s pretty difficult because there are so many bloggers out there, but what makes you special is you! Hope that helps! xo

  2. Bethany says:

    I need to send you all of my pics!! You know my phone was dead like the whole time so Im sorry! SO SO much fun with you:)

  3. wow…your trip sounded amazing…so glad to meet you finally.

    about Rachel Z’s comments…i actually saw her reality show the part she was pregnant and moved…well, the part she treated her staff for the interior decoration was pretty brutal. i guess for her, once she’s on top she doesn’t need to be nice…lol…or her husband was the devil.

    • Samantha says:

      You know it’s funny because I’ve never seen her show {we don’t have cable}. But in her interview, she was a very modest person and was so inspiring!

  4. Cara says:

    This looks like such a fun time! I really hope I can go next year. Great recap of the events and highlighted quotes. Simon Doonan is such a character, love your quote from him!

  5. Rachel Lynne says:

    Wow, thank you for sharing all of this! I feel like I lived through you during the time and wish I could have gone (and MET YOU! :) ) I love all of these photos, your outfit was FABULOUS! :) Glad you got to meet new friends and I would have died to hear Rachel Zoe and Lauren Conrad speak!


    • Samantha says:

      Oh Rachel, that would be so much fun!! And I was DYING every time a speaker came out – they were great! Hopefully, you can go next year {and I can too} and we can meet! xo

  6. caviar taste says:

    Ummm such a fabulous post Sam! You are too cute!!! I am so happy we met at LuckyFABB. Please keep in touch as often as possible!!


    p.s. Simon Doonan rocks my world.

  7. looks like you had so much fun :) cute photos!


    Fashion Fractions

  8. Kay says:

    Fabulous! You’re so lucky to have been able to attend this event/conference! Love the sketch of you :) And the quote you shared is very fitting for the last 4 years of my life!

  9. Stacey says:

    I love the dress from G-ma, so cute and another drool worthy Chanel! I loved seeing all your tweets and pictures, makes me wish I could have been there!


  10. Alyssa says:

    I swear I haven’t been stalking your blog for a conference recap.. did not disappoint loll.

  11. Miss B. says:

    How fun to get an illustration of yourself! Thanks for the recap, I wish I was there now!

  12. Chloe says:

    Wow, great post and looks like you had a wonderful time!! Love that sketch. What a fun trip!

  13. Courtney says:

    love the sketch! So fun to bump into you at the airport!!

  14. Mica says:

    Looks like such a fun week! That sketch is beautiful too, she is very talented! :)

  15. Kimberlee says:

    Gorgeous photos :) Loved Rachel’s advice… here’s to hoping! I see so many cruel people clawing their way to the top and I’m still trying to be nice. Hopefully one day it will pay off *phew*

  16. OMG this post is stunning! I seriously need to take that class next time they come to dallas. It was so great meeting you! We need to do a guest post soon!!

    xo SideSmile,

    SideSmile Style Blog

  17. WebHauteJas says:

    exxxxxxtremely great coverage….im a new blog fan! i’m only sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet in person those two days!

  18. I love all those quotes! Your photos are so dreamy :)
    New follower!

  19. Now that was excellent advice! You gain so much when you attend these conferences. You meet both new and older bloggers. Glad you got to meet Jasmine in person. She’s a sweetheart!

  20. You looked like you had a fabulous time. I’m sure I sound like a broken record but your blog just gets better and better. AND you look more and more stunning. If that’s at all possible!!! How fabulous that you got to catch up with June. I love the quotes. They make perfect sense and are great reminders that we all need from time to time.

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