Looking Back on 2012



pharmacist. wife. mother.
mixmaster of new & vintage + luxe & low.
FASHION is her drug of choice.




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Thank you for an amazing and wonderful year. Β I am truly grateful for all of your friendship, love, and support! Β It’s been a pleasure to meet new people in the blogosphere and in person. Β Most importantly, I enjoy taking time to reflect upon the blessings of the past year…

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  • SOS started a new series, “From Grandma with Love“, and revived an old one, “Try a Trend“! Β Maybe, I should bring back “Quick Tip Tuesday“!
  • The blog got a brand new look! Β Thanks Jo and Katrina!
  • I attended my first LuckyFABBΒ Blogger Conference in New York and met loads of FAB.U.LOUS people.
  • Mr. S started being my paparazziΒ photographer. Β And Hilary and I are now blogger photo buddies! Β You can tell a world of difference compared to my tripod and remote pictures!
  • My photoshop skills improved TREMENDOUSLY after a BlogShop stop in Dallas.
  • I tried my hand at videoΒ for Chevy {also my own on youtube here}! Eeeepp! Β *hiding under a blanket* Need to develop some skills before any more videos!
  • Mr. S and I traveled to London and Paris and saw beautiful places and met wonderful people. Β We have memories for a lifetime!
And meanwhile, I’m so looking forward to 2013!! Β Top thing on the list… BABY. {We are in the process of adoption!} And I have some fun things coming up on the blog!Β 
As usual, I have the same things on my New Year’s Resolutions list! Some things never change. Yes, I am a work in progress!
What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Read the Comments +

  1. What a great re-cap of the year. You always look so chic and classy. Best wishes to you and your hubby in 2013. A baby, how exciting!!

  2. Mica says:

    You have had a great year, and looked immensely stylish through it! Have really enjoyed reading your blog :)

    I really hope that the start of 2013 has everything you wish for in it and the adoption process goes really quickly and smoothly for you.

    Have a happy new year, and all the best for 2013!

    • Samantha says:

      Thanks Mica!! And thank you for being such a great blog friend! Hope you and the family {hubby and Cooper} had a wonderful New Year!

  3. Ashley says:

    You are so stylish!!! Happy Holidays and Happy new Year :)

    With Love,

  4. Isn’t it crazy how fast 2012 has gone by?
    You are such a fashionista! Love your style and your fun blog! I’m happy to have found you. I wish you all the happiness in the new year!!
    God bless!

  5. Kay says:

    Love all the pictures! It sounds like you’ve had a pretty wonderful 2012 :) I hope 2013 is just as amazing! My New Years resolutions generally include exercising (it’s gone from exercising more to just.. exercising lol) and taking better care of my health, spend more quality time with the husband, and move into a bigger home.

  6. Lisa says:

    What a lovely recap. I must see the pale yellow Ostrich trimmed dress…..I missed that post somehow!
    Happy New Year, Sam!

  7. Elissa says:

    Love this recap post – it reminds me of how covetable a wardrobe you have!

    Professionally Petite

  8. Sam, your posts have been SPECTACULAR! I swear they need to be in a magazine. You’ve accomplished so much doll! You’ve had a fabulous 2012 and I’m looking forward to your posts in 2013. I wish you much luck and continued success! ((hug))

  9. sam,

    you’ve done great in 2012…look forward to more in 2013!!
    happy new year!!

  10. Melody says:

    Your blog has really grown more and more did great, Sam! :D

  11. Imogen says:

    best wishes to you for the new year. it has been great reading your blog too!

  12. Stacey says:

    I love seeing all your amazing outfits (and the Chanel’s)! I hope 2013 is a wonderful year for you Sam!! I love that you share everything with us in your blog!


    Five Minute StyleΒ 

  13. Marija.R.P. says:

    Since I’m new reader on your blog,
    I haven’t seen those posts before!
    This is great retrospective,
    You have a great style!:)

  14. Anonymous says:

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  15. ALI&ANG says:

    Wow love the black and white Mad Men era dress, do Joanesque! I hope to get to Paris this year!

    Ali of:

  16. kimberlyloc says:

    Lovely recap, Sam. It’s so cool to see how your style, blog and skills have evolved! I am so happy we became connected via the blogosphere β€” I hope to meet you in real life in 2013!!! xoxo

    As for new year’s resolutions: Remain committed to my 3x a week yoga practice (it’s great for inner beauty and reflection!); get back into bimonthly manicures (I’ve fallen victim to ragged cuticles!); and continue to build out my professional wardrobe without giving in to boring business basics (I’m the youngest in my department, but nobody needs to see that!)

    • Samantha says:

      Kimberly – it would be absolutely FANTASTIC if we could meet in person! Definitely will add that to my 2013 list of things-to-do!!

      My cuticles are horrid {on the hands and my feet}! And it’s okay to get basics to start the foundation for your not-so-boring business wardrobe! :)

  17. Kimberlee says:

    Happy New Year! haha love “get organized” as a lifelong goal :p Perhaps doing a weekly organization of your life so you don’t fall too behind and feel overwhelmed.

    Can’t wait to see the beautiful baby you adopt :)

  18. […] was going through some older posts and read this 2012 year in review, and it was so fun to read about us starting the adoption process. Little M came along, and I […]

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