Pressing Pause and Pulling Back the Curtains



pharmacist. wife. mother.
mixmaster of new & vintage + luxe & low.
FASHION is her drug of choice.




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Photography by Angie Garcia


blouse VALENTINO {in white lace, similar for less} and leather skirt ELIZABETH & JAMES {similar for more or less} via CLOTHES CIRCUIT || double pearl earrings SHASHI || ring VITA FEDE || boy bag CHANEL {similar for less} || pearl pumps CHANEL {similar}


Happy New Year Friends!!!  Thank you SO MUCH for coming over to my little part of internet and taking the time to read, get inspiration, or just check out what’s going on in my life.  I am blessed to have this outlet to express my “style creativity” and feelings.

It’s a New Year, and there’s so much happening already.  This blog post has been in my head for months.  Awhile back, I had ever so slightly mentioned quitting the blog all together.  In fact, I did decide to completely STOP and confided in Angie on the very day of this photo shoot for Clothes Circuit for their Style Muse Campaign.  It had been an inner dialogue for awhile…

*Warning: This is a super long and wordy post!*


I LOVE fashion. It’s always been a fun thing for me that started when I was younger.  We were on a budget growing up, and I had to be resourceful with hand-me-down clothes.  At the time, I just wanted to look like everyone else and have that “name brand” whatever. Later on, I realized it gave me a “skill” to mix and match different things.  The blog is my outlet for trying different things that wouldn’t be work appropriate and just plain having fun!

With the blog, I’ve had opportunity that never would have occurred with my career as a pharmacist working in the hospital.  BTW, I LOVE my job but you don’t see celebrities walking through the halls!  Who gets to meet Gwyneth Paltrow, Diane Von Furstenburg, or Nicole Miller?  So many of my friends were met because of blogging, and I’ve made acquaintances with so many amazing people. I’ve learned so many skills like photography (kind of), Photoshop, coding (very little but enough to tweak my site when it was blogger), and social media (still working on it -FB kills me! Can never tag!).

Additionally, I’ve worked with brands and companies that I love, adore, and use my in daily life!  WOW!  I was getting paid for something that I already did or LOVE!  How awesome is that!

My “hours” are flexible – I would blog in the morning, during nap time, or evenings around Little M’s schedule.  It’s “not messy”!  My creative outlet used to be art, as in painting, which requires preparation before and afterwards and LOTS of cleaning up.


Blog posts starting becoming a chore. I had a set routine, at first, doing a blog post Monday through Friday.  Then, I slowed down and only did three days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) but would feel so guilty if I didn’t get them done on time.  This would “stress” me out because it was yet another item on my To-Do list that wasn’t completed. Throw motherhood into the mix, and I barely get anything done.  If I decided to take some “time for myself”, then I felt extremely guilty. Throw wife responsibilities into the mix, and things got really messy. If you’re always tired and trying to make meals, keep the house in a less-than-chaos state, and actually spend time with your husband while he’s wondering why you are Instagram-ing or SnapChat-ing during whatever time, then quality time is not so quality!  Don’t even mention the job which is only work part-time!  Because of all of this “self-inflicted” chaos, I really wanted to stop.

Mr. S used to take my pictures, which was a fun thing for us (and not gonna lie, did cause a few tiffs).  After Little M was born, I didn’t feel like we had enough time for pictures, so I started using a professional photographer, Angie. She is SO TALENTED!! (For y’all that have read from the beginning, isn’t it crazy how the images have changed?!)  But photography costs money. So that was another “cost” for what Mr. S called an expensive hobby.  And if your earnings aren’t more than your cost, well then that’s a poor business model and definitely an expensive hobby, right?!

After reading Kristin’s post, I really wondered where my future was leading with the blog.


After telling some close friends and family of plans to stop, I received mixed feedback. Mr. S and my mom urged me to continue blogging.  Mr. S told me to stop only if my passion had faded away.  That really stood out in my mind. At one point, I was texting my girlfriends from Chic at Every Age and was so emotional at the thought of not doing another post with them again. So many people suggested slowing it down so it didn’t seem overwhelming, but continue.  Other friends were supportive and thought that I should do what was best for my family.

I was looking for some answers or some kind of sign from God. That may sound cheesy, but it’s the truth.  Whenever I feel so torn with an answer, I look to the higher power for guidance. Sometimes answers comes easily and sometimes not.

As of today, I’ve decided to continue blogging but slow it down. Mr. S was right. I still LOVE fashion and blogging, and it made me SO SAD to consider the thought of stopping. We are starting the adoption process again, but I want the house (and my mind) organized before we bring another blessing into our family.  I’ll be taking some time off to get things ready, and I can’t wait to start blogging refreshed and renewed in 2016.

This year, I’m taking the blog back to grass roots!  I remember talking to my SIL about my struggle with time and organization, but she thought that I had it “under control” by all of my social media posts.  And that’s the thing, you only post what you want people to see or think. I want to show y’all some of the “realness” that happens.  (I’m working on my closet with the Kondo method and have taken “before” pictures to post on the blog. Yikes!) I am BY NO MEANS perfect in any way, but social media can make you look flawless.  I have a messy house, forget appointments (especially if not on the calendar), have mommy guilt, run late to every appointment, wear comfy clothes at home, etc.  I am like every other person, wife, mother, or sister!

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for getting through all of it!  I hope you are having a FABULOUS 2016 so far and can’t wait to share this new year with you!

Rxoxo, Sam

Read the Comments +

  1. 1. I love those heels, the pearl detailing is so fun!
    2. I’m glad you’re going to keep blogging! I do know what you mean, sometimes it’s just so hard and I feel bad thinking about missing a posting day. I should probably go down to a 3 day post week as well, less stress. But I don’t know if I’d ever be able to fully stop! It’s my way to share my love of clothes
    Closet Fashionista recently posted…{outfit} For the First TimeMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      1. Thanks!! Got them a long time ago on sale! ;)

      2. Agree with the passion of sharing the love of clothes!! Thanks for your support! ????

  2. I’ve been reading for a while but don’t usually comment.

    Pretty outfit! The heels are gorgeous!

    I’m glad you’ve decided to continue to blog but at the same time will make some changes that work for your life. And I’m very interested in your closet before & after pics – I really need to work on my closet! :-)
    Andrea@WellnessNotes recently posted…Raincoat LoveMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      Wow!! Thank you for taking the time to comment. (I’m a lot like you… Usually a lurker not commenter!) I’m really nervous about sharing the before pics but I think it will be helpful!! So thanks for the added confidence! ????

  3. Shelley Simon says:

    Your transparency is refreshing! Motherhood adds a whole new layer to life for sure! The way you feel about fashion blogging is the way I feel about volunteering with the Junior League. It’s something that I LOVE and could become completely consumed in, but you have also factor in life’s other priorities. And, it’s tough to scale back on something you love to do. The truth is, anything can be taken too far…even motherhood…because we all need balance in our life and only you can decide what that “right” balance is. When making decisions, I try to look at it this way…I only have a few precious years with my babies before they become independent and don’t need mommy around as much. My extracurricular activities will always be available, but at this point in my life, I choose to scale back (but not quit) so that I can establish the right balance for me as a wife, mother, daughter, pharmacist, volunteer, etc. I would be miserable and resentful if I felt like I had to totally quit my hobby that gives me personal joy because we all need our “me” time to to express ourselves. You’ll know when you’ve hit the “sweet spot” of balance, it just may take a little trial and error before you get there! On a side note, I love your blog posts…you don’t know how many times I’ve thought, “I would totally hire Sam to help me pick out an outfit for this occasion”! You truly have a gift! Love you girl!! :)

    • Sam says:

      Oh my gosh Shelley! You are absolutely amazing. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your thoughts, and it gives me hope that I can find a balance. Serious #lifegoals! Lol! YOU are also the one that gave me hope about having a second child after seeing you with Little T and how everything was so relaxed and less nerve wracking. Again, I thank you! ???? I miss you and REALLY we need to see each other soon! Plus, I need to return that suit bc Little M never wore it! You are the bestest!! ????????????

  4. Katie says:

    Blogging so much harder than anyone thinks! Especially now.
    I don’t think anyone is going to blame you for slowing down a little–you have a life outside of the internet.

    Happy New Year!

    Katie |

    • Sam says:

      Thank you so much Katie!! Blogging is very deceiving isn’t it?!? It looks like you just snap pictures, but it takes up so much time! I really appreciate your thoughts! Thanks again! ????

  5. cathy says:

    Well, thank God! I am so happy (selfish reasons here) that you will be continuing,( at your rate) your blog! You have such a gift of putting together the best outfits, and it is a gift! You would be so missed if you stopped!!! Love you!!!!!

    • Sam says:

      Cathy, you are so sweet! I love you and thank you for our friendship!! ???? Miss you much and can’t wait to see you next!

  6. Maci says:

    I’m so proud of you, Sam!

    • Sam says:

      Maci, you’ve always been one of my biggest supporters. Thank you for being you and such a wonderful friend. You always inspire me and remind me of life’s blessings. You are truly such a ray of light. I love you so much! ????

  7. Mica says:

    So glad to hear that you are deciding to keep going with blogging! Slowing down my posting frequency (and getting a little backlog of scheduled posts) was one of the best things I did post-baby. There is less pressure and if the toddler doesn’t nap as long as he usually does, I don’t worry too much about missing out on blogging time as there are some scheduled posts ready to go.

    Definitely do what makes you happy – when it makes you happy! Enjoy your blogging, and take as much time off as you need to get right, get centred and decide how you want to start the year off. But to be honest you can’t go wrong with pretty outfits like this – you are incredibly stylish Sam! :)

    Looking forward to reading more from you – when time pressures allow. Don’t stress when blogs don’t get done, it will still be here for you to post another day! :)
    Mica recently posted…Corporate Style: Wrap Dresses For Pregnancy Office Wear, Balenciaga Sorbet Pink City BagMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      Thanks Mica!

      I think a lot of bloggers are probably in the same boat as our family grows and priorities change. I have a lot of material but haven’t had the time to schedule posts as I normally would. That is a great idea and would help with feeling less pressured for sure (especially bc Little M is missing nap times from time to time)!

      Thanks again for always being so supportive!! xx, Sam

  8. Bethany Gaddy says:

    What a great post! Honest and refreshing, not to mention totally relatable. Thank you for sharing the real side of the business I know as I worked in this beautiful, sparkly, chaotic business for awhile, it is a blessing, but also, like anything else, it can take all of your time if you allow it to. Family is priority and of course, everyone understands that. After that, release yourself from unnecessary guilt. I look forward to seeing what’s next!

    • Sam says:

      Hey Bethany!

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. I know YOU are super busy too with a new baby! I really like that part about releasing myself from unnecessary guilt and need to take that to heart. SO TRUE!!

      Enjoy every second with your little one. Everyone talks about how quickly they grow up, and it’s so true!! xx, S

  9. Corina says:

    Hi Sam!
    I only recently started following you on IG because I myself am a newbie at this “blogging thing”. Actually I don’t even have an actual blog yet…just my “insta blog”. I often wonder how all of you gals do it and with ALL the bloggers out there, how does anyone have time to even keep up with following and actually reading the blogs let alone scroll for hours through Insta. With all that being stated I’m very glad I found you and your honest post about what it’s really like. About 8 years ago, I moved (it’s complicated) from the DFW metroplex to a small town about an hour N of Ft Worth where boots, big trucks, and Friday Night Lights are king. As a self proclaimed fashionista I have felt like a fish out of water for years and followed bloggers (on Insta only) for inspo and for the fantasy of it all, and recently thought “I can do this too!”. Well it’s not so easy, is it? I’m not even blogging yet, just insta and it’s overwhelming. Actually, if I did start a blog at this late stage in the game, is anyone even going to take the time to read it? All my hard work would be for not…it’s very stressful isnt it? Well in conclusion, I’m glad I decided to hop over to your blog and get the real picture and it’s helped me to be OK with just having fun and using my “insta blog” as an outlet for ME and MY passion and not stressing about it being perfect for others. Keeping it a hobby of inspo only:) I too agree with your hubby, not to give up your passion. Maybe you should just go back to how it started a passion and outlet for YOU (keeping it simple and real), not a platform for others to see how “fabulous” it can all be (on the surface) at the expense of your peace, joy and sanity below the surface. God bless you for your transparency and may He honor your decision to step back a bit with abundant true blessings of joy and peace for you and your little family.

    • Sam says:

      Hi Corina!

      Thanks for taking the time to come over to the blog (since we are Instagram friends)! It can totally be overwhelming. I stress when I take “too long” to reply back to comments on the blog or insta even though it supposed to be fun!

      I think that having an Insta Blog is great! If that quenches your appetite for sharing your passion and inspiration for fashion, then keep going! It’s funny bc the blog started for me first, and then instagram came along (with all of the other social media sites). So it’s always been first nature. I DO think that blogging is fun, but it does require work to keep up. You can always start a blog privately and share with your friends and then decide if you want to make it public after you’ve done a couple of posts!

      Again, thanks for your support!!! xx, S

  10. Loved reading this post Sam! I totally relate as a mom/blogger about the struggle to find balance, and think that it’s great that you’re continuing on at your own rate. I’ve had to grant myself some grace for 2016 and wish you the same!
    Marisa Howard recently posted…WeYogis x ThreeMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      Hi Marisa!!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to hop over to the blog and comment! I truly appreciate it. What a wonderful concept of GRACE!! Thanks for sharing, and I hope to find some balance.

      xx, Sam

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