edna dress DVF via Last Call {on sale now!} // impromptu necklace LULU FROSTΒ {updated necklace here, earrings, bracelet, or ring} // bracelets VINTAGE, {pearl necklace worn as bracelet} GIFT from my BFF, CLUB MONACO, STELLA & DOT // rings GIFT from MIL, BELARGO // gladiator sandals STUART WEITZMAN // bag CHANEL via Feminine Fashions // lips Β CHANELΒ PRETTY PINK LINERΒ +Β SAGA LIPSTICKΒ +Β DESIRE LIPGLOSSΒ
Photography by Mr. S
This is how I wore the DVF Edna dress the first time. Β I was headed to a rewardStyle x Elle x Crest WhiteStrips event in Dallas and felt the “pearly whites” Lulu Frost necklace was extremely appropriate! Β :) Β Can’t go wrong with pearls right?! Nude accessories were easy so the dress would stand out. Β I’ve also worn the dress with my Jack Rogers navajos {they seriously go with everything because they are cork and gold} and a turquoise necklace for a casual day with my two favorite men!
The model picture shows the waist sash being tied around the front. Β I felt like a pirate when I did that, so I’ve only worn it in the back. Β I’llΒ experiment with it again next time. Β Anyhow, this is PIECE THREE of my Five Pieces. Β It was hard for me to pass up this pink dress especially after meeting the designer herself! Β And in case you just tuned in, I’ve already bought more thanΒ five piecesΒ this season. Β Oh yes, I should have said tune in tomorrow tomorrow as I’m a day late with this post. Β Was busy with a baby shower yesterday!
Happy Sunday good peoples! xx
Gorgeous pink shade on you Sam! The dress is so nice with the tan accessories too :)
Mica recently posted…Weekend Outfits: Jeanswest Dresses, Rebecca Minkoff Yellow Swing Bag. Non-Maternity Wear
What a perfect necklace for the occasion! So cute! And it’s not totally obvious, which is good. And that little Chanel is adorable :)
Closet Fashionista recently posted…{outfit} Thrifty
This dress looks so comfy but still dressy enough for a night out!
Casey recently posted…Box Pleats
You look gorgeous, Sam! I love the photos, they came out great.
The Fashionable ESQ
The Fashionable ESQ recently posted…Reveal Your Best Self: Nair Shower Power Max
I love when you wear bright pink, it looks amazing on you!!
Five Minute StyleΒ
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