style of sam, TxSC15, gone glamping at Camp Texlake


TxSC15 // Gone Glamping Part 1



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style of sam, TxSC15, gone glamping at Camp Texlake, festival outfit idea TxSC15-glamping-outfit2 TxSC15-glamping-outfit3 TxSC15-glamping-outfit4 TxSC15-glamping-outfit5 TxSC15-glamping-outfit6 TxSC15-glamping-outfit7 Photography by Angie Garcia

Gone GLAMPING!  Yes, I did.  Most people can’t imagine ME going CAMPING!  But those of y’all who have known me for years remember when Mr. S and I first met.  He was a SERIOUS camper, and I was seriously INTO HIM.  So I did what any good girl would do and went camping with my man MULTIPLE times… the kind of camping where you have to dig hole to do your business and “pack out” things like TP and other unmentionables.  When Hilary and Indiana emailed me about the FINAL Texas Style Council Camp to be held at a girl scout site, Camp Texlake, I thought… easy peasy!  There are cabins, beds, and toilets.  It’s glamping!

Okay, in reality, I was NOT going to go.  I felt overwhelmed by everything going on in my life and pretty negative.  That’s when I go MIA and hole up in my turtleshell of life.  I don’t like to be around people when I’m like that, but Mr. S urged me to go and “be social” instead of my natural “hermit” self!  Boy, am I glad that he practically registered for me to go!

I met the most amazing women at that camp… it was something I really needed at that EXACT moment of  my life. Little did I know that God was working some mysteries for me.


with the roomies Toni, myself, Bobbie, and Candy at the jamboree || PC: Logan Pearce Photography

THREE things that I learned about myself at TxSC15:

1.  When I want to hole up and be a hermit at home is EXACTLY when I should reach out and be social.  My roomies were pretty freaking fabulous and were welcoming the SECOND I walked in the room.  Of course, I was the last one in because you know how I am… better late than never!  I forgot how therapeutic it is to have girlfriends because I wall everyone off when I’m stressed.  It’s easy to stay up until 3am talking to your bunk mates about life, kids, husbands, anything when you instantly feel a bond.  I’ve made lifelong friends with these gals… Candy of Slightly Overcaffeinated, Bobbie of Even If Nobody Reads This, and Toni of Rhythm and Ruffle.  BTW, it was a beautiful chance that I ended up with them – I misunderstood the camping arrangement and picked the “sleeper” cabin instead of the “talker” cabin because I wasn’t a speaker.  Sometimes, I think my ombre coloring is going straight to my head!

2.  SISTERHOOD is real!  Maybe it’s because I have brothers, but the word sisterhood never meant anything to me… until this weekend.  We didn’t sing kumbaya by a campfire, but there were real and organic things going on that weekend.   I felt at ease, not nervous, even though I was at a conference with all of these beautiful women.  It sounds corny, but everyone was nice.  That is HUGE to me!  We were all there to learn, inspire, elevate each other, and make real friends.  #SISTERHOOD, it does a body good… total believer now!

3.  I am a fan girl, and that’s okay.  I can’t help it.  If I’m a fan girl, then you {the recipient} knows.  My enthusiasm can be a little too much for some people i.e. they get scared of me and probably think I’m a crazy stalker.  Anyhow, I saw and met some people that I REALLY admire like Indiana, Shay, and Jessie, and probably geeked out on them.  However, they were cool!  :)

BTW, this is what I wore to camp on the first day sans the macrame fringe bag.  Long white fringe and camping is just asking for trouble so this fringe backpack was my BFF the whole weekend.  It’s fun, FRINGE-y, and easy to clean since it’s pleather… not to mention less than $35 so winner winner chicken dinner!  Tarjay #FTW always!

Stay tuned for Part II of the TxSC15 recap coming on Friday.  I’ll share my favorite quotes/life tips that I learned at camp.


XHILARATION top, MOSSIMO denim leggings, fringe bag available at TARGET || GAP tank (old) || LEVIS denim jacket (old) || EXPRESS feather earrings (old) but similar here || VINTAGE cloissoine bracelets || GORJANA linked midi, OUI etsy, RAVEN + LILY leaf wrap, BY BOE rings || ASH Nina boots via Last Call || RAY-BAN aviator sunglasses || FLASH tattoos

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[thefeedproducts style=’four’] Rxoxo, Sam

Read the Comments +

  1. Monica says:

    you look amazing! (As usual). I was actually considering going because a friend of mine (Megan from greetings from Texas) suggested it but it didn’t work out with a trip that we already had planned. It is so true that when you feel like you just can’t be with people is exactly what you need, specially seeing the right people ;) (hope you are doing better btw

    • Sam says:

      Oh my gosh Monica! I met Megan, and she is wonderful! Thanks for the words of encouragement – I am doing better!

      BTW, you are looking absolutely adorable with your bump! xx

  2. Yayy!! That sounds so fun! I do a mixture of camping and glamping every summer. Ha ha. There are bathrooms and showers so theres the glamping part (Even if they’re grosa)
    Closet Fashionista recently posted…{outfit} The Burberry Ruched DressMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      LOL!! I love that word grosa! Yes, bathrooms and showers are definitely considered glamping! Haha!

      BTW, that Burberry dress is gorge!!

  3. angie garcia says:

    I love this post! Especially this part “Sometimes, I think my ombre coloring is going straight to my head!” LOL!

  4. Candy says:

    SO glad your were my roomie! I really hope we can find a way to hang out again sometime since we are both in Texas. My TxSC experience would not have been as great without you being a part of it. <3
    Candy recently posted…What I Learned at CAMP {#TxSC15}My Profile

    • Sam says:

      AGREED!!! About the experience and hanging out together! My mom lives in Spring so next time I’m in H town!!!

  5. Toni Styles says:

    I loved reading this! I can’t get over, how I scored the best roomies; but I’m so very thankful.

    I’m happy your ombré hair makes the decisions lol.
    Toni Styles recently posted…rhythm approved: 2SHYMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      LOL! Thanks Toni – good thing about the hair right!

      You are so great! I’m so glad that I was lucky enough to room with you gals. :)

  6. Mica says:

    That is such a fab boho look on you Sam! :) I really like that top with the denim.

    Glad you had fun at camp! :) Sometimes it’s nice to get out of your comfort zone or get a little rest and relaxation now and then when things get crazy.
    Mica recently posted…Blush Pink Boyfriend Blazer. With Striped Tank and Shorts, LBD and Heels for the OfficeMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      Thanks Mica. Very true about getting out of your comfort zone – sometimes it forces me to “find myself” and make new friends and it’s a good thing!

  7. Chrystina says:

    Aw, I’m so glad you decided to come! You sat down next to me once or twice and smiled really big and I thought to myself, damn this chick has an awesomely radiant smile. It was really great getting to talk to you! Oh, and as for that camping-with-your-man do-your-business-in-hole thing. Yup, I’ve totally done that. It resulted in a blog post called pooping in the woods. Facepalm.
    Chrystina recently posted…5 reasons sending postcards is awesomeMy Profile

    • Sam says:

      LOL Chrystina! That blog post title is hilarious!! So is the facepalm!! ;-)

      I’m sure you were smiling really big too! There were so many awesome people there right!! I’m glad we connected even if it’s AFTER TxSC15!

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style of sam, TxSC15, gone glamping at Camp Texlake
style of sam, TxSC15, gone glamping at Camp Texlake, festival outfit idea
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