Five Piece French Wardrobe // Revisited



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Five Piece French Wardrobe Ecofriendly, Missoni Mare dress, Chanel pearl necklace, Chloe Faye Rose Pink Bag

// dress MISSONI & trench GREYSON via Clothes Circuit, pearl necklace CHANEL via Last Call, bag CHLOE //


// dress PETER PILOTTO & leather jacket THEORY via Clothes Circuit, bangle HERMES, clutch MIU MIU, heels ENZO ANGIOLINI //FivePieceFrenchWardrobeRevisited3

// dress DVF via Clothes Circuit, blazer ZARA, bag CELINE via Last Call, heels SOPHIA WEBSTER //FivePieceFrenchWardrobeRevisited4

// top TRINA TURK, pants THEORY, & wedges DVF via Clothes Circuit, sunglasses AMAZON, bag CHANEL via Last Call //FivePieceFrenchWardrobeRevisited5

// top DVF via Clothes Circuit, bracelets JULIE VOS, clutch PRADA via Last Call, pants ALICE & OLIVIA //

Photography by Angie Garcia

Happy Monday Fabulous Friends! Hope y’all had a divine Easter weekend. Little M went to THREE Easter Egg hunts, and he was in happiness overload i.e. no nap time! YIKES! We also celebrated God’s resurrection on Sunday. BTW, this is a random Catholic fact that I looked up, but the Sabbath is considered Saturday, the last day of the week. Sunday is the first day of the week. That’s news to me because I always thought that the “day of rest” was on Sunday.

Years ago, I started “dieting”. It’s not the usual kind of dieting where I want to lose those pesky 5 pounds, but the clothing edit kind. It started back in 2010 with the Great American Apparel Diet. I’m a collector of clothes, and my closet is always full to the max. One year, my closet rod BROKE because of the weight of all my clothes! If that isn’t a message, then I don’t know what is!

Every year, I come up with ways to simply my closet life (and ALL other parts of my life), and every year I fail. Failure isn’t a deterrent for me, obviously, because I keep trying. When I first practiced the “Five Piece French Wardrobe“, it was definitely an exercise in restraint. Again, failure. H&M collaborations, blogger conferences, etc. caused me to “buy more”… as if I had a gun to my head. Apparently, clothing is too much of a temptation for me. :(

When 2016 rolled around, I revisited the clothing edit and diet. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book inspired me! I purged, but my closet is still FULL. Does this sound familiar? (When I reread my posts, I seem to say the same thing!) I plan on making “another pass” before Baby 2 arrives.

And this time, I want to do something a little different. My five pieces either have to be purchased from an ethical fashion brand or from a consignment/resale boutique, the Five Piece French Wardrobe, Ecofriendly Edition! Ta Da!

Consignment is easy for me! The five pictures above were from a Spring photo shoot for Clothes Circuit, a luxury consignment boutique in Dallas. I ended up purchasing a few key Spring pieces. It’s a fabulous way to stay fashion-forward and trendy but not give into “fast fashion”. And seriously, you WILL thank me for the introduction if you aren’t familiar with them. I just purchased a pair of Gucci clogs for $125 (that look brand-new)! They’ll be on the blog in the future.

** ADDENDUM ** I just realized that I left out some of my other favorite consignment options in the DFW area. In Dallas, I also love Luxury Garage Sale and Vintage Martini. In Fort Worth, I LOVE Feminine Fashions Consignment, ReVint Boutique, and Transforming Lives Resale (previously YWCA). They are truly my faves!!

Additionally, here are a few of my favorite online luxury consignment boutiques: Fashionphile, The Real Real, Vaunte, and Vestaire Collective.

Also, I’ve discovered more eco-conscious brands such as Raven + Lily, Everlane, Cuyana, Reformation, and Zady. It makes me happy to know that there are some affordable lines now, as sustainable usually meant big bucks for basics. The blog, Into Mind, recently did a great blog post about ethical fashion brands.

I’m not trying to get all hippie chickie on you, but I want to do my part in keeping this Earth in shape so that Little M and his future sibling will have a good place to live. Also, I am a firm believer that every ONE makes a difference, no matter how little. (I remember this story about one of the airlines being in financial difficulty. They started placing two olives, instead of three, onto their salad and saved millions (probably remembered incorrectly) a huge sum of money.)

BTW, I’ve had this “plan” in my head since January, but I’m just now posting about it. You know me! LOL! If you’re doing a clothing diet currently or have participated in one previously, I’d love to hear your thoughts. OR if you have ANY suggestions, please share!

Rxoxo, Sam


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  1. Yea, I always try and fail to stop buying so many clothes. Although I’m doing a lot better this year than I have the past few years! Let’s hope I can keep it up! I also need to get rid of a lot more stuff.
    I would still do a lot of damage if I limited myself to just consignment stores, haha.
    Closet Fashionista recently posted…{outfit} Easter DressingMy Profile

  2. Mica says:

    Oh dear I’ve broken two clothing racks…or was it three….with my overflow of clothes! I’ve realised as much as I try to edit down my wardrobe, I’m terrible at it, ha! I started reading that Marie Kondo book but didn’t make much progress, starting with clothes is my problem area so it’s taking me a little while to work up the courage….at least it’s helped me declutter a few more things from the house, outside of the wardrobe!

    Good luck with your new challenge – I’m sure you will achieve it! I can stop shopping now and then but I usually end up going crazy when the ‘ban’ is lifted. I’ve realised the best thing for me to do is to just slow down and think more about what I’m buying, that seems to be the best way to let my decluttering catch up with my shopping!
    Mica recently posted…Office Wear at 37 Weeks Pregnant: Printed Wrap Dresses and Sorbet Pink Balenciaga City BagMy Profile

  3. […] likely because I have failed SO MISERABLY this time around. Earlier this year, I decided to “modify” the wardrobe challenge and try to ONLY purchase my five seasonal pieces either from an ethically made manufacturer or […]

  4. […] with this. I’ve mentioned The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up on the blog previously (this post here). This book is going to be my organizing bible this year. I am DETERMINED to get through ALL […]

  5. […] French Wardrobe too many times so I’m not even going there. I really loved trying it with the eco-friendly update but still failed! So, I’m just trying to be […]

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Five Piece French Wardrobe Ecofriendly, Missoni Mare dress, Chanel pearl necklace, Chloe Faye Rose Pink Bag
Rxoxo, Sam
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