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The weather is warm again, but I was thoroughly enjoying the cold with all my Fall gear!  Cold weather, come back soon please!  I took these pics when it was chilly.  Mr. S and I went to Fireside Pies for dinner.  {You saw the pizza pic if you follow me on twitter or facebook.  I LOVE that place with all my heart – after Mr. S and my pets, of course!} 

sweater ::Olivier Strelli (purchased when I went to Paris)
jeans :: Gap Long and Lean (when they were on sale)
earrings :: F21
boots :: Repetto
bag :: Chanel
faux fur jacket :: Shareen Vintage

I also LOVE oversized cozy sweaters!  Great thing they are back in fashion again!  {They are perfect when you are going to dinner to overindulge in pizza and wine!  Just sayin’!}  And these jeans are really soft and comfy and very stretchy – they are 70% cotton, 28% polyester, and 2% spandex.  I’ve never tried Gap jeans, but I got a pair since they were 40% off.  I really like them!  {I usually get whatever brand of jeans that show up at Marshalls or the resale shop.}
And much to Mr. S’s dismay, I brought this faux fur jacket that night!  Come on…It was cold!  {It’s currently being altered to fit properly!}
This is the sweater laid out on the bed!  Isn’t it a crazy shape?  I am just amazed that someone could make it into a top!
Are you into oversized sweaters?  What’s your favorite brand of jeans?

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  1. That sweater is so unique and looks great on you! After seeing the photo on the bed though, I would be a little perplexed on how to put it on, lol! Yes, cozy sweaters are a definite must. Kayla loves GAP jeans and I love American Eagle jeans (I don’t have much of a bootie, so they give me a little something in the rear). ha ha! Heather

  2. LOVE the sweater and it looks amazing on you. I’m loving the whole look.
    I need more oversized sweaters, love ’em :)

    My fav brand of jeans is Citizens of Humanity and 7 for all mankind. I only have a few pairs of those but no longer can zip them. When I gain even a few pounds it goes into wrong places. Therefore I no longer spend too much $ on jeans.

  3. I love how that sweater drapes on you! Such a beautiful color, shape and design. No wonder, it’s from Paris! I wish i can find something like that here, it looks awesome with the jeans. Effortless chic and so stylish. I always feel fat in jeans so tend to stay away from it as much as possible. I think I only own one pair of Gap but they are quite comfy.

  4. Katherine says:

    Ooh I love that sweater! I have been searching for the perfect oversized sweaters that hang prettily – yours is fantastic :)

  5. the taupe says:

    Stunning sweater – perfect color and shape with a twist. I had one very similar in grey from Benetton, but it was terribly uncomfortable due to being asymmetrical. Couldn’t get the hang of it!

  6. skippysays says:

    That’s a beautiful sweater, and you wear it so well! As far as jeans, I like citizens of humanity and lucky brand, and I usually buy them exclusively at thrift stores :)

  7. I love that sweater! You look radiant! And, of course, I adore the fur :) I wear Gap and American Eagle Jeans!

  8. Wow! The sweater looks amazing on you. Coupled with the faux fur coat and that luscious hair of yours, it’s perfection!

  9. Callandra says:

    I adore your color palette for this outfit soooo soft! I tend towards trouser jeans alot….really like the avery style from areopostle but they don’t make them anymore so I have to find them thrifted. Also, happy with a few gap jeans I’ve found as well as Express. I just ordered some trouser jeans from american eagle (of all places) and can’t wait to try them out!

  10. Oversized sweaters are awesome, you can wear it and style it however you want! You can add belts jewelry, so many things! My favorite line of denim is Hudson, True Religion, and Rock and Republic.

  11. Kait H. says:

    loving those pants and that fur coat! such a chic look!


  12. Beautiful sweater! Love the soft color…looks great on you. I do love oversized sweaters, especially paired with skinny jeans or leggings and boots. My fav jeans are 7’s and Joe’s jeans.

  13. Cute! I feel you Sam, Tampa is playing with the temperature as well. At least I get to wear some Winter Gear when I go home for Thanksgiving next week. I am currently loving over sized sweaters and I think they look great the way you paired it here. As far as my favorite jeans, I don’t have a brand I love that much yet…STILL LOOKING.

    7eventh Letter

  14. oh love the sweater….you looked so pull together.

  15. Nelah says:

    Love that oversized sweater and how beautifully it drapes. Very chic. Your fur coat looks totally glam. I have a fur jacket which I bought on sale many years ago that I only wear one a year. I mean, you know Texas weather.

  16. Katrina says:

    Your hair is looking gorgeous and I love-love the sweater. I have a huge penchant for sweaters that fall gently off the shoulder…BRAVO!

  17. Sam, I should’ve known that sweater wasn’t from around here. Girl, it is just too awesome. Paris has some awesome stuff. It’s just gorgeous! Those are the feather earrings you were talking about! They look great with that sweater. LOVE! You look like a doll. Have a great evening! :D

  18. love your chanel! everything looks very chic. absolutely love it. such an inspiration. :)

  19. plauschinat says:

    What a chic and comfy-looking outfit. Gap jeans are my fav and you can usually get them at 40% off if you watch the sales.

  20. I absolutely love your look! You have really great style. I’m a new follower and I’m loving your blog. Stop by my blog and say hi sometime (and follow back if you’re interested).

  21. steph says:

    hi sam, just found ur blog thru that #FF on twitter. that sweater is amazing!! what a crazy shape + absolutely stunning colour. i love oversized sweaters, but it’s going into summer in sydney right now so mine are all packed away for the time being ;) new follower!


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