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Wear Your Fancy Pants

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FANCY PANTS!!  I was delighted when my mom sent me a signed copy of Lord Fancy Pants.  It’s the cutest book, and I LOVE the fact that involves a little boy and some fancy pants.  The moral of the story is to not judge others by their looks.  My friends have the Fancy Nancy books to read to their daughters.  Now, I have Lord Fancy Pants for my little boy!  It’s adorable so I had to share a quick post about it.

The author, Debbie Pakzaban, will be selling and signing Lord Fancy Pants at TOOTSIES in Houston tomorrow, Wednesday, October 8th from 6-8 pm.  Fifty percent of book sales and 10% of clothing sales goes to Texas Children’s Hospital.  Y’all should go by if you can!  {I would if I were in Houston!}

2601 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77098
6-8 pm

 Rxoxo, sam

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