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It’s time to get your click on!  The voting link is up for this year’s TOOTSIES Top Blogger!

Last month, I was among 4 other fabulous bloggers to be chosen as finalists for this year’s event.  {I did a little post about our photoshoot here.}  Head over to the TOOTSIES page to meet each of the bloggers.  You’ll learn about Heather, Katie, Lynette, and Morgan.  We answer some questions about our personal style and inspirations.

If you have a moment, I would LOVE it if you would vote for me.  You can scroll down {I’m at the bottom – alphabetical} and click on the “Vote for Me” button.  I’m posting these directions because my mom had a hard time.  And when I asked Mr. S to vote me, it was all thumbs too!  Maybe, my peeps aren’t computer literate! LOL!

By the way, you are automatically entered to win a $100 gift card to TOOTSIES for voting!  {Trust me, you’ll put that card to good use!}  Voting ends July 24th.


Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!  I’ll be a busy bee at work, but that will save my wallet from all the great sales going on this weekend!  :)  And stayed tuned because someone may have another TOOTSIES goodie coming your way!

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