Discover the Easy 5- Step Formula to Effortlessly and Confidently Dress as Your Dream Self

Discover the Easy 5-step Formula to Effortlessly and Confidently Dress as Your Dream Self

with pieces already in your closet!


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Clothing doesn’t create style, THIS does...

If you’ve ever dressed yourself in the morning (and aren’t a celebrity with a personal stylist on speed dial), then chances are you can relate to feeling like you have nothing to wear even if you have a closet full of clothing. 

You look at options in your overstuffed closet and think,
I am overwhelmed. I don’t know what to wear. I have no style.

But I’m letting you in on a secret that’s also a fact.

Style is a skill.

Style is also a personal expression of yourself.

The clothes you wear have an effect on your psyche - emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Companies hire and people want to work with confident individuals. 

With social media, there is information overload on what to wear, current trends, the “it” bag, and so much more. Instagram says you need this item this season to be on trend. YouTube says this is the perfect outfit combination for Spring. 

And spending all your time searching YouTube videos or getting tutorials from Instagram could cost you time and money spent on clothing that doesn’t really work for you. And maybe you’re already experiencing that now. 

How do you ever expect to break free from following trends so that you can confidently choose empowering outfits, simplify your morning routine, and make smart shopping decisions with so much noise and information overload?

The answer is simple - a signature style identity.

In fact, activating your signature style identity is the most powerful way to break free from trends and gain clarity in what you wear so that you can feel clothed in confidence.

Your Style is your Story. It’s your silent introduction. 


...Overwhelmed by the amount of fashion advice and feeling like fashion clone by following trends.

...Lack of time to develop a signature style, and you don't feel authentic or confident in your outfits.

...Wasting money on trendy items that don’t last and have challenges integrating new pieces with existing clothes.

“I was the person who didn't want to be in photos. Now when my friends ask if they can post with me in it, I say YES!”

— Chenette C, USA

You Need

Activating your SSI is the most powerful way to gain clarity and confidence in what to wear so that you can feel empowered in your clothing every day

 To reduce decision fatigue and be more efficient when dressing

That feels like money well spent and easily integrates with new pieces



StyleRxU is the complete step-by-step system to activate your Signature Style Identity so that you can confidently choose empowering outfits, simplify your morning routine, and make smart shopping decisions.  In this 8 week program, you will go from overwhelmed and confused to confident and clear in what to wear daily to unleash your personal style power, increase self confidence, and boost self love.


Creating Your Future Self

Self-Assessment: Begin your style journey with a deep dive into self-assessment. Module 1 is designed to help you reflect on your current style and understand your fashion preferences and challenges. Through introspective activities and guided questions, you'll gain insights into how your style aligns with your lifestyle and actual wardrobe. This foundational module sets the stage for a transformative style evolution, ensuring your fashion choices resonate with who you are becoming.

Module 2 (Your Future Self) invites you to envision your future self and how you want to be perceived. This imaginative exercise encourages you to explore your aspirations, both personally and stylistically. You'll create a vivid picture of your signature style identity that reflects your goals and dreams. By the end of this module, you'll have a clear vision of your future self, serving as a guide and inspiration for your style transformation journey.

Okay, I’m in

Understanding Foundations - Your Body, Your Style

Embrace and celebrate your unique body shape in Module 3 (Foundations - Your Body, Your Rules). This module focuses on understanding and appreciating your body, teaching you how to dress in a way that flatters your natural silhouette. You'll learn about different body types, discover the styles that best suit your shape, and develop an eye for cuts and fits that enhance your best features. This empowering module is all about building a foundation of self-love and confidence through style.

In Module 4 (Foundations - Evolve & Embrace), discover the essentials of clothing quality, wardrobe organization, and smart shopping. Learn how to identify and choose high quality garments that stand the test of time, organize your wardrobe for maximum efficiency and style, and shop with intention to build a sustainable and personalized wardrobe. This module guides you in creating a functional, lasting collection that aligns with your evolving style and ethical fashion values.

Okay, I’m in

Activating Accessories

Dive into the world of accessories in Module 5 (Accessories - Try and Test), where you get to try and test a variety of embellishments to enhance your personal style. This module encourages experimentation with different types of accessories, from jewelry and scarves to hats. You'll discover how the right accessories can transform an outfit, learn how to choose pieces that complement your look, and experiment with creating statement styles that reflect your personality.

Module 6 (Accessories - Handbags, Shoes, and Belts Oh My!) focuses on the power trio of accessories: handbags, shoes, and belts. These key pieces can make or break an outfit, and this module teaches you how to select and style them effectively. From choosing the right handbag for your needs to picking shoes that blend comfort and style, to using belts to create a flattering silhouette, you'll master the art of accessorizing with these essential items.

Okay, I’m in

Your StyleRx - Your Style Prescription

Module 7 (Accessories - Evolve & Embrace) focuses on enhancing your jewelry knowledge and skills in quality assessment, organization, and smart shopping. Learn to distinguish fine craftsmanship in jewelry, organize your collection for both preservation and ease of access, and develop strategies for adding meaningful pieces to your collection. This module is designed to refine your jewelry choices, ensuring they complement and evolve with your personal style.

Conclude your style journey in Module 8 (StyleRx - Your Style, Your Way), where you bring together all the insights and skills you've gained. This module helps you finalize your personal StyleRx - a unique style prescription that encapsulates your fashion preferences, body type, lifestyle, and personality. You'll learn how to maintain and adapt this StyleRx with your Signature Style Identity as your life and style continue to evolve, ensuring that you always feel confident and authentic in your style choices.

Okay, I’m in

what happens next?



You'll activate a signature style identity to gain clarity and confidence in what to wear everyday


You'll develop a streamlined morning routine that reduces decision fatigue and creates more quality time for family and/or work


You'll dress for your body shape and master the art of accessorizing to enhance your best features


You'll learn smart shopping strategies that will contribute to a versatile and sustainable wardrobe


You'll makeover your mindset to create habits for self love and confidence

I’m ready! Sign me up! →


no. 01

Take The First Step Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

no. 02

Followed by This Step

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

no. 03

And Finally This Step

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

from sheri:

“This course changed my life. My whole damn life. I swear, it's that good!”

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from katie

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz!"

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Unleash your personal style power!

success stories

sharon streamlined her routine

"This is so practical. I was able to implement this tips right away.

Even though I know my style, I was still able to take away tactical tips to get ready faster and think about different ways to wear accessories.

be bold!


"After going through the module on proportions, I realized something about my style identity.

And I was able to return a sweater that had been in my closet for a week. It did fit with my style identity and it clicked when I learned about it.

MACI SHOPPED her closet

"I was excited to shop my closet and try to wear things differently."

After learning about body shapes and proportions, I looked at every piece differently. It was like having a whole new wardrobe with the same clothing that was already in my closet. 

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

You're stronger than you think.

Every challenge you've faced has been a stepping stone molding you into the remarkable woman you are today.

You deserve to stand tall in the glow of self confidence and to love yourself unreservedly embracing every facet of your being. Remember, your strength is as much a part of you as your heartbeat fueling your journey towards self love and unshakeable confidence. In this world where doubt may linger, let your inner strength be the light that guides you, a constant reminder that you are worthy, capable, and deserving of every ounce of love and confidence you bestow upon yourself.

you're in the right place.


When you enroll today get this amazing training!

Wouldn't you love to know all the styling tricks and tips of a stylist? Today is your lucky day because you get access to this training when you enroll in StyleRxU today.

Let's Do This →

Wouldn't you love to know all the styling tricks and tips of a stylist? Today is your lucky day because you get access to this training when you enroll in StyleRxU today.

($400 value)

Dress for the your future self, your signature style identity

Feel confident and empowered in what you wear

Dress for your body shape to enhance your best parts

Shop smart and efficiently

Understand how to organize your wardrobe

Embrace an accessorized you

Yes, I’m In! →

kind words

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan.


kind words

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan.


I’ve been called the Accessory Advisory, Scarf Queen, and Glam Girl. As a female CEO, content creator, and a PharmD, I bring a unique blend of expertise to the table. I understand the importance of balancing style and substance. 

Growing up in a small town, I quickly realized that fashion was my true passion. No matter the circumstances, I found ways to express myself through clothing using my creativity to recreate magazine outfits with limited resources. But it wasn't just about the clothes, it was about how they made me feel. That's where my journey to self-love and confidence truly began.

It's not just about the outer appearance. It's about how you feel on the inside. I've taken my experiences and transformed it into a usable framework to tap into your own self-love, boost your confidence, and radiate the kind of energy that turns heads and stops hearts. 

Learn More →

i can help because i've been there

Over a decade ago, I was broken, lost, and overwhelmed.

My father had passed. I was in a relationship with Mr. Not-Right-for-Me, self-loathing, and taking diet pills. My veterinary school dreams faded even though I had worked three jobs simultaneously and borrowed loans to pay for university.

It took years of soul searching and creating a new identity to start becoming the person that I wanted to be. I want to save you from the same mistakes by sharing the step-by-step system that has worked for me and others. Now, it’s my mission to help busy women unleash their personal style power and positive mindset so that they can be confident and empowered every day. We educate and inspired women to be the best versions of themselves so that they can look, feel, and do good.

but nowI know how to help!

This program is the only one of its kind because…

You are transforming your style from the inside out.

Our philosophy transcends the ordinary boundaries of fashion guiding you to transform your style from the inside out. This journey is about more than just appearances. It's a profound exploration of how you Look, Feel, and Do Good in your skin and in your life. Our approach intertwines personal style with self-discovery and emotional wellness, ensuring that your wardrobe becomes a true reflection of your inner strength, aspirations, and individuality. Each item you wear is not just a garment but a narrative of your confidence, a testament to your journey of self-love and empowerment.

"Your Style, Your Way" is our creed at StyleRxU, where we champion the uniqueness of your signature style identity and personal style story. Our program empowers you to take charge of your fashion narrative, guiding you to create a look that’s authentically and unmistakably yours. With personalized mentorship, expert insights, and a community that supports your growth, StyleRxU is dedicated to helping you Look good in your style choices, Feel good about your fashion journey, and Do good by embracing your highest self. We stand apart by intertwining style transformation with your personal development, celebrating not just the clothes you choose, but the incredible person wearing them.


Cold-pressed cray health goth ethical aesthetic typewriter. YOLO af copper mug single-origin coffee, deep v pop-up street art kogi kale chips. Activated charcoal four dollar toast raclette copper mug, fanny pack shabby chic kale chips thundercats. Etsy four loko fashion axe, echo park lomo meditation fam occupy cronut cold-pressed iPhone 3 wolf moon af pitchfork deep v.

Post-ironic poutine truffaut bicycle rights, skateboard brunch sartorial. Mustache flexitarian glossier pickled tumblr. Migas wayfarers hammock, biodiesel deep v kale chips adaptogen seitan cred umami +1 palo santo. Stumptown bitters forage meditation gastropub, thundercats lo-fi.

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style



This program includes everything you need to do that thing

This program includes

That your course or product can only take them so far. That not only applying what they will learn but sweat equity into their vision is the only way to move the needle. And then you are going to leave them with something majorly thought-provoking...


you need

to do that thing

If you want this to be the year that you finally commit to:

Creating this one very life-changing habit.

Building a system that will do this other thing.

Attracting your dream clients and working on projects that light you up.

Building a dream team that will ensure you're continued growth and more time to operate in your zone of genius.

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for added efficiency and profitability. 

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

Enroll Now →

Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

Try it for 15 days

If you're unhappy with the program after 15 days, just email info@styleofsam.com, and I'll refund your full investment - no questions asked. I'm confident in this program, and I want you to be as well.


money back guarantee

This      for you if:


You are ready to make time for the best version of yourself.

You are ready to be honest with yourself and more in alignment.


It's probably        for you if...


You want steps for a cookie cutter style. 

You want a color analysis. 

You’re not ready to do the work.

Let's do this.



Buying a whole new wardrobe is expensive, and you don’t have a budget for designer pieces.

You are encouraged to “Shop Your Closet” for the first half of the program while you are gaining knowledge about your body shape and proportions. You will also learn how to shop strategically in two of the modules. Plus, there is a Buyer’s Guide based on your budget.

You believe that you’re not stylish.

Style is a skill that can be learned and practiced. The StyleRxU curriculum is a step-by-step system that makes getting ready more streamlined and simple.

You feel like you’re not at your “goal weight” or “goal body”.

You deserve to look and feel beautiful and confident NOW. The StyleRxU curriculum teaches you how to create a signature style identity as well as dress for your body type. This means that you will have the knowledge to dress confidently even if your body or style preferences change in the future.

Even if you learn how to dress, you don’t know anything about hair or makeup.

Surprise! There are two bonus modules to help you with that with fast and easy ideas! Bonus: Five- Minute Hair and Bonus: Five- Minute Makeup

You believe that a boring capsule wardrobe is the only way to have a streamlined morning routine.

You will learn how to create a versatile wardrobe that works for you with the knowledge that comes in the color module!

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”


The Entire Profits of My First Launch


Number of Times I Cried About That


Number of Podcast Episode Downloads

My Client's Launch Profits Last Year


but first

let's take a selfie

Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos edison bulb.

Let's Do This Thing →