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The New Normal & Staying Healthy during COVID-19

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style of sam in yellow floral dress, staying healthy during COVID-19 style of sam in pink SOMA pjs, staying healthy during COVID-19

Hello Y’all! I hope you are staying healthy and well. This is such an unprecedented time and a post I never thought I’d be writing. Things are in such a crazy space and I have so many different emotions right now so I wanted to do something positive ~ share some helpful ideas and just chat with you. While you are keeping social distance, here are some tips for staying healthy during COVID-19. I’ve been practicing these myself so I can be the best version of myself during this trying time and while the kids are out of school.

It’s also helpful to keep a routine for everyone to stay sane. Whether you’re a mom with Littles out of school or working remotely, then here are some tips to help you work from home!

These are just easy things to do to keep some normalcy in our lives as we all adjust to a new normal. It makes me anxious to think about all those affected, but I want to share some positivity during this everchanging climate. I will be creating content to educate, entertain, and inspire during our social distancing. Who knows how long this will last but at least we can try to put a positive spin on it. Please let me know if there is anything that you want to be covered in the comments.

This Friday is my Grandfather’s funeral in New York. My family and I won’t be attending, and it makes me even sadder that my mom cannot go either. The risk is just too great, and she cannot pay last respects to her own father. It was surreal as all of this unfolded during our Spring Break in Austin and RV camping at Lake Whitney. I still had to post sponsored campaigns, but my heart was really hurting and I tried to be strong for the kids. They knew “Mommy is sad”, but I didn’t want to put a damper on their fun. They are the sweetest things, and Baby M said that it was good because my Grandpa was with Toby and Sophie, my cats, in Heaven. Love the sweet and innocent hearts of the young ones.

Stay well and safe. Leaving you with so much love and positivity until the next post…

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