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Local Love // 316 Design Source

Photography by Sarah Delanie

Last month, Katey invited some friends to check out the CUTEST place in the Dallas, 316 Design Source. Their tagline is “where luxury meets lifestyle”, and the invite stated lots of choice words like interior/floral design, event planning, and luxe rentals. Since I’ve been on a mission to finish the house before Baby Number Two arrives, anything with “interior design” has my attention and I was there in a heartbeat!

It is a GORGEOUS retail space, and I wanted to move in right away. Did you see the LOVE room?! The front area carries accessories (think must-have jewelry, sunglasses, etc.) and clothing that is perfect for a honeymoon, vacation, or just being amazing every day (that’s how I like to roll – just kidding, kinda). They have a neoprene-inspired Birkin that I’m eyeing for another baby bag. Brianna, one of the founders, uses is as her gym bag. #genius. It’s washable too! #totallyneed.

Besides fabulous things for myself your friends, they also carry sweet gifts for babies. They can put together a gift basket with hand-picked items for a new mom, bride, or really anyone. That makes total sense because they can basically do anything… event planning, wedding rentals, home design, dress rentals.

And when I say dress rental, I mean WOW-gown rentals for your next amazing affair! They have an in-house tailor to make sure you’re wearing the dress, and it’s not wearing you. What a fun service and great idea if you need something quickly but don’t want to pay a house mortgage for one dress that you’ll likely wear once.

I kept circling the back area where they have the home and wedding things on display. They have beautiful coffee table books, frames, bowls, candles, decor pieces, and so much more. Surprisingly, I only purchased two things, an Rx makeup bag and acrylic covered tray.  Translation: Mr. S may have killed me if I bought everything I liked = the whole store!

Anyhow, I’m looking for any excuse to head back over to 316DS or use them for a gift basket or some kind of event! They sent us home with the cutest swag bag. Of course, I chose the “Happy Everything” because that’s how things should be! ;)

If you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, have you visited them yet? You can also find them on Instagram and Facebook.


jacket CHANEL {similar for less} // linen tee H&M // jeans TARGET


heels CELINE via Last Call {similar for less} // sac du jour bag SAINT LAURENT

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