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From Grandma with Love // Jewel Toned Ruby Pants

free people dream marigold velvet lace top red wide leg pants sam edeman velvet mara sandals baublebar mely ball drop earrings rose aviator sunglassesFor those of you that just tuned in, From Grandma with Love is a twice-monthly series that is one of my faves! I’m lucky to be the recipient of my Grandmother-in-law’s beautiful wardrobe. She owned so many unique pieces, and I’ve had the MOST FABULOUS time styling it on the blog. It’s a win-win for me because I ADORE vintage and a fun excuse to wear it! This blog series will be every other Friday alternating with Chic at Every Age. BTW, we’re still a little off schedule with CAEA, so it’s a repeat of GMA this week! ;)

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free people dream marigold velvet lace top red wide leg pants baublebar mely ball drop earrings rose aviator sunglasses free people dream marigold velvet lace top red wide leg pants embellished velvet clutch // Photography by Angie Garcia //

These chenille-like wide leg pants are a fun Grandma hand-me-down, and I couldn’t wait to wear them. Rich jewel tone colors are one of my favorite things about Autumn/Winter. Although I’ve been in a neutral mode lately, the combination of marigold and Ruby was one that I couldn’t resist. So, I paired the very bold red pants with a marigold velvet and lace top.

I went a little over-the-top with the velvet wearing the top, pants, bag, AND shoes, but it’s such a beautiful material. Plus, those multi-color drop earrings tied everything together with the black, silver, copper, and gold. Although, it could have gotten a little yellow-and-red-Ronald-McDonald if I wasn’t careful! LOL!

THE STYLE Rx: Jewel tones will add a touch of luxe to your wardrobe this Season. You don’t have to go all out like I did. Just add an accessory (like a bag or shoes) or one piece (like a top or pants) to elevate your outfit.

What is your favorite jewel-tone color? Mine is probably Emerald or Ruby!

Happy Friday Loves! What are y’all up to this weekend? My cousin is heading to town for the Texas vs OU game, and we are meeting up for brunch in Dallas on Sunday! Mr. S has been out of town, so we’ll be happy when he gets back tomorrow. I’m probably going to watch ONE Netflix show tonight and then hit the bed early since Little M woke up in the middle of the night after an accident. Hope you have a great weekend!

top FREE PEOPLE {also here}
earrings BAUBLEBAR c/o
bracelets JULIE VOS, JULIE VOS c/o
pants VINTAGE {similar}
platform sandals SAM EDELMAN
sunglasses SONIX
bag VINTAGE {last seen here, similar luxe or less}

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// jewel-tone pretties //

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