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Home Study

Ah, it’s Friday.  Let’s just take a second to breathe…
After returning from New York, I was running in small circles being completely inefficient as I madly dashed around the house to get things ready.  “Ready for what?”, you ask.  Last Friday, we had our adoption home study.  Hence the reason why I’ve been drinking way TOO MUCH coffee, running around like a spaz, and acting a little insane-in-the-brain {or maybe a lot insane}.

top ALICE & TRIXIE c/o // necklace ZARA // bracelets THRIFTED, STELLA & DOT // rings OUI ETSY, THRIFTED // belt GIFTED // jeans J BRAND // heels PRADA {similar}
This is where it all started – my living room.  Way back when, I decided to really start this blogging thing, my first outfit shots were here.  Funny enough, I felt like it was an appropriate place for the outfit that I wore during the home study.
Contrary to the title “home study”, there were no white gloves, inspecting drawers, or opening closets thank goodness.  It was a two hour session with only ten minutes being spent on the home tour.   She asked us about plans for disciplining our child, how we handle big financial decisions, hard times in our marriage, etc.
At the end, she told us we would be approved at the end of the month.  We also needed to finish up our adoption profile and get a car seat, nursery ready, etc.  I have been feverishly working on that adoption profile.  Who knew that it takes so much longer to edit and put together things in shutterfly versus photoshop?  Shutterfly is kicking my butt!  Lastly but most importantly, she mentioned that adoption placements have moved fairly quickly recently.  When I asked about the time frame {thinking about our friends who adopted their precious daughter within 4 months from the same agency}, she told us that one family was placed with a baby after only… wait for it …. ONE WEEK!!!!!!
And that’s when my heart started racing and my brain imploded!  This hasn’t been a short journey for me and Mr. S.  We started trying to have a family in 2006, but this adoption process has gone at Ludicrous Speed {referencing good ol’ Spaceballs} since submitting paperwork in December!!  So please excuse me if I’ve been a little MIA and/or crazy lately – I’m trying to get some things done!
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!  :)
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions. – Oscar Wilde
{I make and take time to thank those who are vital in my life.}

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